Apex Legends Pro Explains Why Seer Will Soon Dominate the Meta
Albralelie recently revealed why he thinks Seer could soon dominate the meta in Apex Legends.
1970-01-01 08:00
Valkyrie Becomes Most Popular Pick in Apex Legends Season 13
Valkyrie has become the most picked Legend in Apex Legends: Saviors.
1970-01-01 08:00
ImperialHal Refuses to Shoot DC'd Player During ALGS Year 2 Championship
TSM ImperialHal refused to kill an opponent that seemingly disconnected during the $2 million ALGS Year 2 Championship on World's Edge.
1970-01-01 08:00
Albralelie Reveals Why the R-99 SMG is Viable Again in Apex Legends Season 13
As explained by TSM content creator and Cloud9 ALGS stand-in Mac "Albralelie" Beckwith, the R-99 is relevant in the Apex Legends weapon meta once again in Saviors.
1970-01-01 08:00